Student Support Service


Our Canteen


Canteen is one of the integral parts of this institution. The canteen was entirely re modeled to coup up with its increasing demands. The Canteen is run under the kin-supervision of Secretary, Teachers Council. Students & teachers who came from various parts of the district and from other districts; canteen is like life line to them. Anytime in College hours you can find our canteen man was too much busy in canteen affairs, facing all in the canteen with a refreshing smile as always. A separate Girls canteen room along with the general canteen is one of the significant features of




Anti Ragging Cell (Say No To Ragging)


Prof. Subrata Kumar Saha and Dr. Kunal Chakraborty are continuously monitor the situation throughout the year with the positive support by the Student’s Union. Every year College Authority and Student’s Union jointly organize Anti-ragging campaign especially at the beginning of new academic session. We can proudly say that no such unforeseen incident happens so far.







Notices @ UGC


UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions (Third Amendment), 2016

UGC Letter reg.: Anti Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions

UGC Notice Reg.: Competition for designing Poster, Logo/Icon, Slogan and Essay writing for curbing the menace of ragging

UGC Letter reg.: Introduction to monitor the ragging related issue and compliance of UGC Regulations

Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2013

Status Note reg.: Anti Ragging Measures in Higher Education Institutions.

UGC Letter regarding – 1st Amendment in UGC regulations on curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.

Regarding the terms of reference entrusted to Monitoring Agency for the Anti Ragging Helpline & related database work.

Public Notice reg.: Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions - English

Public Notice reg.: Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions - Hindi

Minutes of the Committee Reg.: Finalizing EOI received from NGO/NGA for selection of monitoring agency for Anti Ragging Helpline (Financial Bid will be opened on 20/12/2013 at 3:00 PM)



Vishaka Cell ( Stop Violence against Women)



As per as the verdict of the Honorable Supreme Court the College had established Vishaka Committee for monitoring any incident regarding the mental and sexual harassments of women at workplace. Under the Convenership of Prof. Mitali Ghosh other members Dr. Chhanda Dasgupta, Dr. Sukhwinder Kalsi, Prof. Sangeeta Mukherjee, NTS representative Mrs. Ratna Sen and Female representative from Students Union are always ready to help. The Vishaka Committee had already taken few steps for the awareness among the female students. With the help of the NSS unit of the college, Vishaka Committee is continuously engaged in this activity. But no such complaints from any corner have been registered yet.



Supreme Court verdict 


Vishakha vs. State of Rajasthan

In 1997, the Supreme Court passed a landmark judgment in the same Vishaka case laying down guidelines to be followed by establishments in dealing with complaints about sexual harassment.Vishaka Guidelines were stipulated by the Supreme Court of India, in Vishakha and others v State of Rajasthan case in 1997, regarding sexual harassment at workplace. The court stated that these guidelines were to be implemented until legislation is passed to deal with the issue.


The court decided that the consideration of "International Conventions and norms are significant for the purpose of interpretation of the guarantee of gender equality, right to work with human dignity in Articles 14, 15 19(1)(g) and 21 of the Constitution and the safeguards against sexual harassment implicit therein."

UGC notifications (Vishaka Guidelines)



Grievance Redressal Cell



Under the convenership of the Principal Grievance Redressal Cell was formed to justify and trying to solve any grievances within the institutional periphery. The other members are all teaching members of the Governing Body, Secretary of the Teachers Council, NTS representative and General Secretary of the Student’s Council. This body is very keen to solve various issues regarding the Student’s welfare, Academic-administrative endeavor etc. Few successful steps which are already taken by the Grievance Redressal Cell –


i. Construction of Gymnasium in College Campus
ii. Started Hons. Course in Philosophy
iii. Installation of Silent Generator
iv. Installation of Water Cooler in different parts of College Campus
v. Renovation of Girls common room
vi. Construction of separate Girls canteen
vii. Change of University Examination center from Chandidas Mahavidyalaya to Bolpur College for easier transportation facility
viii. Construction of new concrete road from College main gate to staff room
ix. Renovation of toilet in Physics Department



Career Counselling


Will be updated shortly..........










Equal Opportunity Center


Will be updated shortly










Legal Literacy Club


Will be updated shortly











For Physically Challenged


For physically challenged Students College authority has already set up minimum infrastructure like ramps in various parts of the Academic, Administrative and Library building, a wheel chair for the assistance of such students. Though blind students are very few in the past records but when situation demands College authority had provide them special writers for internal and University examinations, minimum recording facility to overcome their challenges.






Boy's Common Room


One of the major attractions among the students of this college is the common room for boys. In between the class hour they are using this as their relaxing and refreshment time. Boy’s common room is well maintained and equipped with some indoor games facilities.Usually a student is selected for the post of Boys common room Secretary by the students union.







Girl's Common Room


Completely separate common room for the girl students is one of the basic features of student support service of this institution. Usually a girl student is selected for the post of Girls common room Secretary by the students union. The common room is equally equipped with some basic features like Magazine section, few indoor games facilities, a small changing room, primary medical needs of girl students etc. For any emergency situation contact numbers of Vishaka committee members are displayed in the notice board of the common room.






Student Aid Fund


The college has a good official records regarding student’s scholarship for free or half free, SC, ST, OBC, MC and Kanyashree facilities. Economically weaker but meritorious students get some free studentship and other state government aided stipends like SC, ST, MC and Kanyashree. Kanyashree scheme was started in the year 2014-15.







Stipend & Concession


The college has a good official records regarding student’s scholarship for free or half free, SC, ST, OBC, MC and Kanyashree facilities. Economically weaker but meritorious students get some free studentship and other state government aided stipends like SC, ST, MC and Kanyashree. Kanyashree scheme was started in the year 2014-15.







Health Care Unit


The College Health Care Unit has established in the year 2013 to build up the medical awareness among the students, teachers and staffs. Not only that, necessary first aid medicines, bandages & some latest equipments like automatic blood sugar and Blood pressure measurement are available in this unit. Prof. ....., Prof. ......... & .......... are in the charge of this unit. With the help of the NSS unit, college authority is trying to train few students every year to provide minimum medical support.






Parents-Teachers' Meeting


In spite of the rural-agrarian location and first-second generation learning family background of the students, college authority continuously trying their best to build the bridge in-between the teachers-students-parents. Regular meetings are organized to discuss the academic scenario, student’s progression report etc. Every possible suggestion from the parents end is taken for the betterment of academic performance.







Play ground


A huge play ground in the college campus is definitely boosting up our sports endeavor. This playground is extremely important not only for our students but also for the neighboring sports loving people. In our college along with the others sports activities throughout the year. Under the convenership of Faculty members alongwith every member of Games and sports subcommittee always try their level best to achieve the desired goal.









The College Alumni has started in the year 2013 to re-establish (without registration no.) the lost communication with its alumni spread all over the country. The alumni members discussed about the various academic and infrastructural facilities of the college in its meetings. The college meets with the Alumni at regular interval. They also participate in various cultural activities in the college campus. 









For the long time demand of the student's union a minimum equipped gymnasium has already established in the campus to encourage the fitness and sports endeavor among the students and faculty members.









Xerox Center


To fulfill the valid deemed of the student's union for the benefits of the college students, college authority had established a cheap cost Xerox center with in the campus.